
BCIN Certificate Holder

Design firms in Ontario must all hold a valid BCIN. The Building Code Identification Number ensures you, the client that the designer and his company are qualified to work on residential plans, submit them to your city's building department, and possess adequate professional insurance coverage should anything go wrong. One of the requirements of design professionals who wish to hold a BCIN is a thorough exam that assesses the individual's knowledge and familiarity with the Ontario Building Code.

What is a Building Code Identification Number (BCIN)?

A Building Code Identification Number, or BCIN, is the unique identifying number assigned to individuals who file their qualifications with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and firms which register with the Ministry. The BCIN is used for several purposes: you may need to provide it on building permit applications, in all correspondence with the Ministry, and in any other building-related work that requires a qualified person or registered firm.

HRAI (Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute) Certificate Holder


Residential Geothermal System Design



Hayward Consulting & Design has completed over 3,000 mechanical designs for residential and light commercial HVAC systems installed and approved by various municipalities throughout the province of Ontario.




